货号:160003 型号:SLV-B4306
价格(元):0 产地:


规格:1930*700*630-930mm (L*W*H)

Luxurious Cart for Hand-over of Patients to and
from Operation Room
Specification:1930*700*630-930mm (L*W*H)
Description:  The cart is made of imported PP material.
The main construction of the cart is shaped by once die-casting
of fine aluminum ally. The guideways for linking two small
separate carts are made of quality aluminum alloy of high
strength and thus enable the bed to move steadily and
reliably. Two separate small carts can be raised and lowered
for adjustment. Only when the two small carts are adjusted to
the same level,the bed rest can be slided amoothly. As the bed
slides to any separate cart, it can be automatically locked and
equipped with safety device. An advanced centrally contrally
controlled brake system is used for both separate small carts
in order to make them smoother and more stable when linking
up and running . The hand-over cart reaches international
advanced level in the performance and design and can prevent
cross infection so as to satisfy the needs of operation rooms in
various hospitals,for which it is an ideal choice.


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